Article and Magazine Interviews
Intelligencer Daily Newspaper, Doylestown, Pa. 2003, 2015, 2016,2017
The Bucks County Herald, Bridgett Wingert 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
The Patriot newspaper, Doylestown, Pa. Gina Stevens October 4, 2007
Art Matters, Philadelphia, Pa. Allison Chalmers March 2006
New Hope Gazette, Pa. Doris Brandis 2001
New Art International Fall 2001 Arts and Antiques magazine, 2000
Nouveau magazine, New Hope, Pa. Bruce Blackburn September 1999
Bucks County Town and Country magazine, Pa. Cathie Viksjo Fall 1998
Bucks Magazine, New Hope Pa. Editor Fall 2007
Cathy Viksjo , Trenton Times,2014
Victoria Donahoe, Philadelphia Inquirer October 14, 2007
Victoria Donahoe, Philadelphia Inquirer April 23, 2006
Cathie Viksjo, Jubilation exhibit 2006
Victoria Donahoe, Philadelphia Inquirer April 2005
Cathie Viksjo, Trenton Times 2002